About the Journal

Revista de Humanidades, founded in 1993, is a biannual publication of the Department of Humanities at the Universidad Andrés Bello. Its objective is to create a space for critical reflection and interdisciplinary dialogue within the field of humanities. Our publication is intended for researchers, academics, students, and general readers. The Journal of Humanities welcomes specialized articles arising from research, and we also accept documents such as notes, interviews, translations, and reviews that address topics in the areas of literature, philosophy, and history, among others, with an emphasis on the dialogue between disciplines related to our journal (please review the contributors' section).

Revista de Humanidades accepts submissions between March and December. The journal is published biannually in January and July. The January issue includes two sections: a dossier with a previously announced open call, and a semiannual miscellaneous section. The second annual issue only considers this latter section.

Articles, documents, and reviews

All submitted articles undergo a double-blind peer review according to an evaluation guideline; if necessary, the editor and the editorial board may request a third evaluation. Reviews and documents are evaluated by the editor and the editorial board. Lastly, the Journal of Humanities is a fee-free journal for review and/or publication