Nietzsche and the Role of the Nouvelle Psychologie in the Construction of his Philosophy
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cuerpo Self

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Audisio, I. “Nietzsche and the Role of the Nouvelle Psychologie in the Construction of His Philosophy”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 26, Dec. 2016, pp. 23-49,


Since the 1880’, Nietzsche’s philosophy reveals a critical assimilation of the french psychology. Particularly relevant were the theories of two of the major pioneers of the Nouvelle Psychologie, Hippolyte Taine and Théodule Ribot. Nietzsche was inspired by them to develop some core subjects of his philosophy: the dynamic multiplicity of instincts and impulses which constitute the self, the “center of gravity” (das centrale Schwergewicht) of the body, the will to power. At the same time, he performs a sharp discussion of their positivism.

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