Detrás de las Golondrinas, Expanded Territory: the Humberto Ak’abal’s Pilgrim Books
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Humberto Ak’abal
Detrás de las golondrinas
cosmopolitismo Humberto Ak’abal
Detrás de las golondrinas

How to Cite

Sánchez M., J. G. “Detrás De Las Golondrinas, Expanded Territory: The Humberto Ak’abal’s Pilgrim Books”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 26, Dec. 2016, pp. 119-42,


Detrás de las golondrinas is a compilation published in 2002 in Mexico, in which Humberto Ak’abal (Momostenango-Guatemala, 1952) presents three books already published (Gaviota y sueño, 2000, is about his visit to Venice, Ovillo de seda, 2001, is a testimony about his encounter with Japan, and Corazón de Toro, 2002, is a poetic approach to Spain) and several small unedited books about his journeys through Austria, Paris, Switzerland, Germany, and the United States between 1994 and 2001. Based on this compilation, this article has two principal objectives: first, to demonstrate how a particular meaning of “territory” and “confluences”, according to the proposal of Ak’abal, overpasses the labels of “Mayan”, “ethnic”, “Guatemalan” and “Orature”. And, second, to situate this book beyond Mayan society’s space and time, explaining concepts as heterogeneity, migration, native subjectivity, cosmopolitanism and globalization.

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