Huevón as a Discourse Marker in Chilean Spanish: Trace of a Gramaticalization Process
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Discourse Markers
Chilean Spanish Huevón
marcadores del discurso
español de Chile

How to Cite

Rojas, D. “Huevón As a Discourse Marker in Chilean Spanish: Trace of a Gramaticalization Process”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 25, Dec. 2016, pp. 145-64,


We analyze a number of features of current use of huevón as a discourse marker (specifically, a enfocador de la alteridad) in Chilean Spanish, which reveal that it originated through a process of grammaticalization. With our analysis we contribute to the knowledge of a yet unexplored feature of this lexical item. The features commented belong to the semantic, syntactic and phonetic levels (bleaching, escape from the scope of the noun phrase and reduction of the signifier, respectively).

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