Meaning and Possibility: the Ontological Understanding of Language in Being and Time as a Philosophy of Discourse
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Being and Time
Meaning Heidegger
Ser y tiempo

How to Cite

Leserre, D. “Meaning and Possibility: The Ontological Understanding of Language in Being and Time As a Philosophy of Discourse”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 24, Dec. 2011, pp. 25-51,


Within the context of the research on Being and Time with the purpose of suggesting the possibility of a comparison with other philosophical positions on language, this paper intends: a) to revisit Heidegger’s understanding of language in Being and Time; b) to identify its argument following the connection between the concepts of sense (Sinn) and meaning (Bedeutung); c) to sustain that in this work one can see a dynamic conception of language, which is centred on the action of understanding, articulated as the configuration of sense as meaning; d) to suggest that this existential ontology of language might be understood as a philosophy of discourse.

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