Deleuzian Conception of Scientific Thought
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ontología de la diferencia
observador parcial Ontology of Difference
Partial Observer

How to Cite

Gallego, F. M. “Deleuzian Conception of Scientific Thought”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 24, Dec. 2011, pp. 53-78,


Deleuzian conception of science can be considered one of the most important manifestations of twentieth century French epistemology, one that testifies more clearly that the French approach to the scientific question involves a reflection design independent of both the German and the Anglo-Saxon. Positioned in this situation our paper aims: 1) to progress in the demarcation of all the constraints that the Deleuzian project of ontology tends to impose on the development of his conception of scientific thought, and explore the range of problems to be solved, 2) address a second set of issues which require to account not only of the reasons that distinguish the scientific reasoning about the philosophical and artistic, but also the modalities of their interaction, and 3) attempting to clarify the meaning of the three concepts which come to realize the specific concerns of the science: the functive, the plane of reference and coordination and the partial observer.

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