History, Identity, and Andean and Popular Aesthetics in the Banners of Religious Dances in La Tirana
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Popular Religiousness historia
religiosidad popular

How to Cite

Guerrero Jiménez, B. “History, Identity, and Andean and Popular Aesthetics in the Banners of Religious Dances in La Tirana”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 24, Dec. 2011, pp. 161-75, https://revistahumanidades.unab.cl/index.php/revista-de-humanidades/article/view/317.


The present work intends to show through an interpretative analysis of the religious banners used in La Tirana festivity, celebrated every year on July 16 th in the extreme north of Chile, the history, identity, and aesthetic discourses of these religious groups. The banner is a discursive strategy that synthesizes, in texts and in figures, a changing religious and popular identity, open to the world. In its construction, the members of the religious dances aim at a particular way of self perception, expressing to the ambient society who they are. Two hundred banners are analyzed. These contain the name of the dance, its founding date and an image of the virgin Del Carmen in its center; all in a colorful festive frame that also brings up an Andean tradition.

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