South of the Border: Cowboy Stories in Chile. Reception and Appropriation of Western Hollywood Movies in the 1920’s
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cultura de masas
nacionalismo chileno mass culture
chilean nationalism

How to Cite

Gatica Mizala, C. “South of the Border: Cowboy Stories in Chile. Reception and Appropriation of Western Hollywood Movies in the 1920’s”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 23, July 2011, pp. 91-118,


This paper analyses how Chilean society inserted itself in the process of Americanization. As a way to understand this process, this research will study the reception of western movies, and the way the Chilean society of the 1920’s started to appropriate the genre. In order to accomplish this, the paper will analyze how discourses, such as manifest destiny and the frontier, interact and dialogue with Chilean nationalism.

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