Thomas Hobbes and the problem of the validity of the contract in the state of nature
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State of Nature
God Hobbes
estado de naturaleza

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Isler Soto, C. . “Thomas Hobbes and the Problem of the Validity of the Contract in the State of Nature”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 41, Jan. 2020, pp. 129-50,


Thomas Hobbes is widely known specially because of his contractualist theory and his theory of the contract made in the state of nature by which political power is created. But it has not been realized that there is a Hobbesian doctrine that seems to make that contract voyd. In the present paper we expose that doctrine (I), in order to expose later the solution that Hobbes himself gives to ghe problem (II), and later we expose whether that solution is compatible with what he says regarding the relation of political philosophy and God(III), later we expose which knowledge men have of God in the state of nature (IV) in order to bring the necessary conclusions (V).

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