Some reflections on anger in Thomas Aquinas and Seneca


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pasión anger

How to Cite

Téllez-Maqueo, D. “Some Reflections on Anger in Thomas Aquinas and Seneca”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 43, Jan. 2021, pp. 293-24,


This article addresses Aquinas and Seneca’s philosophical doctrines on anger. The author tries to establish a bound between both authors in regard to the notion of anger. The proposal grounds on the fact that, although Aquinas and Seneca come from divergent philosophical traditions, there’s a compatibility between both visions of anger, mainly in regard to the similar tools posed by them to attain a rational handling of the aforementioned
emotion. For this purpose, I approach the issue: (1) firstly, laying out the causal nature of anger in Aquinas; (2) secondly, describing the causal nature of anger in Seneca; (3) thirdly, analyzing the commonalities between both thinkers, based on the similarity of the resources quoted by them; and (4) finally,
a general appraisal derived from the preceding analysis. 

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