The analysis of lexical nets
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Palabra Lexical net
Lexical competition

How to Cite

Pérez Durán, M. A. “The Analysis of Lexical Nets”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 22, Dec. 2010, pp. 189-04,


The aim of this article is to study and define the order that the lexicon has in its structure when it forms, within the mind of the user, bigger units called lexical nets. These nets are responsible for disposing and placing the words in a mental lexicon. First, we present the difference between word, as a general unit of meaning, and term, as a minimal unit, in order to explain the function each element has inside the constitution of the base of lexical nets. Finally, we present an example using the formula (V{P+P+P}) which has been created to understand and explain the complexity these nets have...

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