Historia, res lacrimæ. Werner Hamacher’s Departed Historicity
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How to Cite

Mendoza de Jesús, R. “Historia, Res lacrimæ. Werner Hamacher’s Departed Historicity”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 42, July 2020, pp. 47-76, https://revistahumanidades.unab.cl/index.php/revista-de-humanidades/article/view/53.


This article presents the conception of history developed by German philosopher and literary critic, Werner Hamacher, in a
short essay published in 1985, titled, “Über einige Unterschiede zwischen der Geschichte literarischer und der Geschichte
phänomenaler Ereignisse.” The article focuses on two crucial aspects of Hamacher’s essay: on the one hand, it emphasizes
the historical significance that Hamacher accords to tears as the mark of the event of history; on the other hand, it elaborates
Hamacher’s thinking of historicity on the basis of the limit experience of Abschied—departure or farewell. By doing so,
the article seeks to consolidate Hamacher’s attempt to think history otherwise than in accordance with its philosophical and
historicist determination, which conceives of historicity as an event from within the horizon of a-ppropriation (Ereignis). On
the basis of Hamacher’s essay, historicity is rearticulated as the experience of an expropriation that resists any attempt to be

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