Werner Hamacher and the Motion of Contingency
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Celan Hamacher

How to Cite

González R., M. “Werner Hamacher and the Motion of Contingency”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 42, July 2020, pp. 127-71, https://revistahumanidades.unab.cl/index.php/revista-de-humanidades/article/view/57.


This article proposes an approach to the problem of contingency in Werner Hamacher. To follow its movement, the following stations are covered: (1) “sketch” as art of contingency and as “afformative” writing event; (2) the political trait of his gesture, exposed in the debates on democracy to come and the university; (3) his definition of the contingent as “touch of a No” and the structure of (dis)encounter; (4) his reading of Celan and the notion of nihil donans; (5) the “infra-contingency” of the opportunities; (6) the dignity of the contingent and the danger of essentializing it; (7) the contingency of a time to come, in the light of its “affuturation” and the “ammesianic”.

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