Deleuze and politics of the face ( faciality): scope of the State
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otro (autrui)
mundo posible. Face
the Other
Possible World

How to Cite

Castro-Serrano, B., and C. Fernández Ramírez. “Deleuze and Politics of the Face ( faciality): Scope of the State”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 36, July 2017, pp. 41-68,


The problem of politics in Deleuze is an issue that circumscribes and crosses all his work and with varying degrees of intensity, although a more political moment is evidenced following May 68. Considering such philosophical development of his work, here we aim to determine the political territory of the face (and its scope of faciality) bypresenting a particular understanding of his machinic conception of society. We outline a critical reading on the faciality as a counterpoint to the notion of face and the other as ‘possible world’, which allows us to problematize the figure of the state apparatus introducing new analyzes in the social and political field.

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