About the notion of border : thinking against the naturalization of the identities
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gobierno Border

How to Cite

Bilbao, A. . “About the Notion of Border : Thinking Against the Naturalization of the Identities”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 35, June 2017, pp. 241-65, https://revistahumanidades.unab.cl/index.php/revista-de-humanidades/article/view/172.


This article inquires into three reflection fields related to the problem of the borders, and the naturalization of the identities. In the first field, we analyze the imaginary distinctions generated by the delimitation of a territory and/or domain to think about the representation of a social collectivity. In this regard, we analyze some arguments related to the nationalism and its way of doing with the imaginary limits, opened by the notion of border. A second reflection field has to do with the multiform displacement of the borders and its participation in the naturalization of the identities. In a third reflection field, we expose the difficulties related to the definition of the border areas, considering the polysemy of its scopes.

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