Ximena Rivera: The Grammar of Suspension or the Reasoned Disorder of the Senses
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Ximena Rivera Poesía
Ximena Rivera

How to Cite

Nadia, P. “Ximena Rivera: The Grammar of Suspension or the Reasoned Disorder of the Senses”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 42, July 2020, pp. 305-42, https://revistahumanidades.unab.cl/index.php/revista-de-humanidades/article/view/557.


The following paper is a reading of Obra Completa by Ximena Rivera. The reading will reflect upon what it means to be tangled in the modulations that her writing oozes, its solitary fondness, away from a diction of belonging that expresses as a being-with (mitsein), which differs from itself and the longing of identity that disturbs her and writes this imbalance. The altered being in Ximena Rivera’s poetry shivers, it’s a critic of its own trade, carrying a lucid intensity sustained by its fragility and by an emphatic to be who one is. It’s the I, as words, who dialogues with her (im)potency and dissents with herself. Her  resistance is not to resist. This uncanniness and disagreement of the space she inhabits is inscribed in her flesh and in her writing. There is a sense of not being something anymore, so as to be tangled in modulations, in the unpowerness of thinking, in defenselessness, in the memory that goes astray, in the blood that forgets the blood and sets aside. Subjectivity is disturbed, it dissolves, and that unpower, that impotency of not being able to think, is poetized.

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