Rome and Romanity: Historiography about the Roman Identity of the Classical World (XIX-XXI centuries)
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Roman Historiography
Roman Identity
Civitas Historiografía romana
Identidad romana

How to Cite

Nieto Orriols, D. “Rome and Romanity: Historiography about the Roman Identity of the Classical World (XIX-XXI Centuries)”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 42, July 2020, pp. 367-9,


This article analyses the main perspectives upon the Roman identity of the Classical Antiquity from the 19th century to our times. This sheds light on the direct relationship between both the interpretation of the romanity and the contemporary historical as well as the epistemological problems to the specialized critique, which brings forward three concrete proposals: 1) legal-political identity, 2) discrepant ethnicity, 3) citizen identity.

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