Schelling on the Idea of Tragedy as Reconciliation: Freedom and Evil
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reconciliación Schelling

How to Cite

López-Domínguez, V. “Schelling on the Idea of Tragedy As Reconciliation: Freedom and Evil”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 31, Jan. 2017, pp. 57-76,


Schelling´s idea of tragedy as culmination of the arts is something more than a purely esthetic concept, it is the symbolic expression of an absolute freedom that implies the recognition of necessity and evil, points to the reconciliation between the I and its irrational aspects and indicates the place occupied by the individual in the society and the universe. This article studies the concept of tragedy in The Philosophy of Art and its previous developments to show that it can be considered as explicative key to the continuity of Schelling´s future thought, where History appears as dramatic field of battle between the dark and the light side of God.

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Jähnig, Dieter. Schelling. Die Kunst in der Philosophie. Pfullingen: Neske, 1966.

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Pascal, Blaise. Obras. Prólogo de J. L. Aranguren; notas y traducción de Carlos Ramírez de Dampierre. Madrid: Alfaguara, 1981.

Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph. Sämtliche Werke. Herausgeber K. F. A. Schelling). Stuttgart: J. G. Cotta, 1856-1861.

Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph. Filosofía del arte. Estudio preliminar, traducción y notas de Virginia López-Domínguez. Madrid: Tecnos, 1999.

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