The Determination in the Literary Study of J. C. Mariátegui
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Culture Mariátegui

How to Cite

Velarde F., L. “The Determination in the Literary Study of J. C. Mariátegui”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 26, Dec. 2016, pp. 77-95,


The work of José Carlos Mariátegui represents a key moment in the cultural reflections about —and in— Latin America. The contributions and achievements of Mariátegui’s understanding depend on his theoretical positions, mainly in the action of specifying a space of enunciation in the approach to the objects of analysis. We emphasize the importance of rescuing, for
contemporary analysis, the value of a specific determination of cultural processes subjected to research. Therefore, this text presents a theoretical approach to the methodological guidelines of the Peruvian author.

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