More than Human Cinema: The Documentary Visages et Villages and the Film Medianeras
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How to Cite

León, D., and A. Viu. “More Than Human Cinema: The Documentary Visages Et Villages and the Film Medianeras”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 48, July 2023, pp. 343-72, doi:10.53382/issn.2452-445X.738.


This article analyzes from a comparative perspective two cinematographic productions: the French documentary Visages Villages (2017) co-directed by Agnès Varda and photographer JR, and the feature film Medianeras (2011) by Argentinian director Gustavo Taretto. The paper suggests that both films record and narrate, through audiovisual means, stories in which human agency loses its pre-eminence over other agencies. This happens not only as a theme at a narrative level, but also at the level of the materialities of both film and the documentary, understood as technologies of the image. By presenting human and more-than-human encounters and by exploring the vitality of the inorganic, these films show the presence of coactants bodies, imperceptible affects and expressive forces that arise from filming as a relational process.
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