Weaving time, recovering experience. The work of dramaturgy in the theater
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Experience Dramaturgia

How to Cite

Barría, M. “Weaving Time, Recovering Experience. The Work of Dramaturgy in the Theater”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 49, Jan. 2024, pp. 285-12, doi:10.53382/issn.2452-445X.782.


The article proposes a consideration of dramaturgical practices from a performative framework. Based on this, dramaturgy is understood as a form of materialization of time through which an experience is constructed in the spectator. This consideration affects not only the practice itself but also the way of studying and analyzing it. The text, structured in five parts, advances from a properly disciplinary analysis, functioning as a continuation of the reflection on the problem of dramaturgy, towards a philosophical reflection on time and experience, allowing, at the same time, the resignification of the category of performativity outside the exclusively scenic problem.

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