The office of the king in Jonas of Orleans. Episcopal discourse and political culture in the frankish kingdom of the 9th century
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Institutione Regia
Jonah Of Orleans
Medieval Political Thought
Office of The King
Episcopalization De institutione regia
Jonás de Orleans
pensamiento político medieval
oficio regio

How to Cite

Zamora Navia, P. . “The Office of the King in Jonas of Orleans. Episcopal Discourse and Political Culture in the Frankish Kingdom of the 9th Century”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 38, July 2018, pp. 217-32,


This article seeks to establish the principles and theoretical foundations that made the treaty of Jonás of Orleans one of the earliest systematizations of medieval political thought. Our particular interest lies in understanding the weight of episcopal authority reflected in a discourse that builds the fabric of legitimacy and illegitimacy in the Carolingian world of the third decade of the ninth century. In addition to the analysis of key texts of the treaty, it is intended to contextualize the text in its cultural context and especially the role played by the king in a political order modeled on the salvation of Christian society.

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