Transdisciplinarity in Paulo Freire Thinking
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pensamiento crítico
Paulo Freire
pensamiento complejo
disciplinariedad Transdisciplinary
Critical Thinking
Paulo Freire
Complex Thinking

How to Cite

Serna M., E. “Transdisciplinarity in Paulo Freire Thinking”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 33, Mar. 2017, pp. 213-4,


This work identifies and analyzes the ideas of Freire related to transdisciplinarity and insight from education and knowledge management, relating their important contributions to equitable development in the world. It also presents a discussion of how far and in what contexts in the contemporary world these ideas have value, and in which, therefore, must be relevant. Considering the realities of today’s society, especially in rural areas, Freire’s ideas seem more relevant than ever before to the education system, because they can lead to personal liberation, self-determination, mobilization and political action, and a radical social transformation.

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