Steined Heraldry: About Los Círculos Morados. Memorias I, By Jorge Edwards Valdés
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Chilean Literature
Jorge Edwards
Writtings of the Self autobiografía
literatura chilena
Jorge Edwards
escrituras del yo

How to Cite

Cánovas, R. “Steined Heraldry: About Los Círculos Morados. Memorias I, By Jorge Edwards Valdés”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 29, Dec. 2016, pp. 149-67,


This work is an analytical study about the book Los círculos morados. Memorias I, from the Chilean writer Jorge Edwards. Three aspects are discussed here, which are interweaved among themselves: the way the author assumes the autobiographical genre (what he understands by this genre, why he chooses it and how he construct himself as a first grammatical person), the reflection he elaborates about paternal authority and the elites (money’s prestige) and the alternatives to withdraw from the oppressive circles.

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