Is the Intuition Logically Prior to Intellectual Intuition in Kant?
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intellectual intuition
logical priority
critique of pure reason Kant
intuición intelectual
anterioridad lógica
crítica de la razón pura

How to Cite

Placencia, L. “Is the Intuition Logically Prior to Intellectual Intuition in Kant?”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 44, July 2021, pp. 125-54, doi:10.53382/issn.2452-445X.26.


In this paper I explore the lack of clarity concerning the concept of “intuition” that is connected with another obscure aspect of Kant’s work that has received comparatively less attention, his claims about “intellectual intuition”. According to the typical understanding of the relationship between these terms, Kant would thematize a notion of “intuition” –what I call the intuition– which would constitute in turn a common genus of at least two species, “sensible intuition” and “intellectual intuition”. This understanding establishes the logical priority of the notion of intuition, that is, that the notions of “sensible intuition” and “intellectual intuition” would be definable only by recourse to the intuition and not vice versa. I show in this paper that this prejudice is highly questionable.
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