An “Association of Free Individuals”. Marx and the Issue of Freedom
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Karl Marx
Association Karl Marx

How to Cite

Sembler, C. “An ‘Association of Free Individuals’. Marx and the Issue of Freedom”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 42, July 2020, pp. 343-66,


This article addresses the issue of freedom in Marx’s thought, starting from his characterization of the communist ideal in terms of an “association of free individuals”. First, it looks into his criticism of capitalism as an “apparent” or “illusory” community, which systematically denies not only equality but also freedom. Second, it identifies the philosophical presuppositions that allow him to describe alienation as an experience of losing freedom. From this viewpoint, finally, it approaches Marx’s idea of an “real community”, whose conditions of mutual complementarity are those which make possible everyone’s freedom.

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