Diminsihed individuality. the indispoistions of the relation in Werner Hamacher
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Durán Rojas, C. “Diminsihed Individuality. the Indispoistions of the Relation in Werner Hamacher”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 45, Jan. 2022, pp. 119-42, doi:10.53382/issn.2452-445X.68.


In this paper we provide a tentative account of an insistent thematic trait in the writing of Werner Hamacher. This insistence can be seen in the moments in which it comes understandable the nature of the relation. Whether this relation is understood as a difference prior to the ontological difference, as an indiscernible relation between languages in translation, or as an intensive direction of the language towards what it cannot relate, the relation always shows itself to be unattainable, that is, as that which cannot be determined or defined as a part of a whole or as an individuated term. We show that understanding the singularity of this relation allows us to understand of the individuality that Hamacher develops, and that we consider inseparable from the type of thinking about the relation that he proposes.

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