Hegel against Hegel. The haitian revolution and the critique of colonialism
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Modernidad Hegel

How to Cite

Narváez León, Ángelo. “Hegel Against Hegel. The Haitian Revolution and the Critique of Colonialism”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 47, Jan. 2023, pp. 85-111, doi:10.53382/issn.2452-445X.696.


This article analyzes Hegel’s relation to the Haitian Revolution and its place in the narrative context of Hegel’s world-historical philosophy. To this end, it focuses on the notions of coherence, consistency, validity, and representativeness considered as logical-historical criteria to analyze the ambiguity that inhabits Hegelian philosophy and its explicit claim of universality. To substantiate this analysis, the article suggests Hegel’s conceptualization of political economy as a general framework for analyzing colonialism. Finally, it offers an overview of the reception of the Haitian Revolution in the early nineteenth century German intellectual scene to expose the logical setbacks the Haitian Revolution entails for Hegel’s world-historical philosophy.

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