Sine ira et studio? Reflections and Challenges to Chilean Historiography from to the History of Emotions
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historia de las emociones
método histórico
historia académica Historiography
History of Emotions
Historic Methodology
Academic History

How to Cite

Toro Blanco, P. “Sine Ira Et Studio? Reflections and Challenges to Chilean Historiography from to the History of Emotions”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 36, July 2017, pp. 229-48,


This article exposes a challenge that historiography has faced since its origins: the relationship between the historian’s judgment and his/her volitional or sentimental dimensions. After identification and a brief characterization of some features of the historiographical current called “history of emotions” this issue is revisited, enhancing the analysis with some brief recent questions about the modes of socialization of historical knowledge.

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