Natural Objects on the Move. About the Formation of the Collections of the National Museum of Chile (1853-1897)
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Rudolph Philippi
Museo Nacional de Chile
redes científicas
materialidad Rudolph Philippi
Museo Nacional de Chile
Scientific Networks

How to Cite

Sanhueza, C. “Natural Objects on the Move. About the Formation of the Collections of the National Museum of Chile (1853-1897)”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 34, June 2017, pp. 143-69,


This article examines how the National Museum of Chile formed their collections between 1853 and 1897 under the management of Rudolph Philippi. The aim is to analyze the factors that enabled the mobility of a set of objects inside the museum. Here the role of networks and materiality is studied in the exchange of species.

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