Herder and the Rehabilitation of Mythology: a Theme in German Aesthetics
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filosofía del arte
poesía Herder
Philosophy of Art

How to Cite

Franceschini, P. A., and M. A. Werle. “Herder and the Rehabilitation of Mythology: A Theme in German Aesthetics”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 32, Mar. 2017, pp. 11-34, https://revistahumanidades.unab.cl/index.php/revista-de-humanidades/article/view/205.


Our proposal is to research the meaning for aesthetics of the emergence of mythology as a theme in German philosophy of the Eighteenth Century, based on the inaugural gesture of Herder in his essay “Of the new use of mythology”, in 1767. Against the Enlightenment, which considered mythology irrational, Herder came through an understanding of this powerful language that connects abstract concepts and sensible expression by means of two opposing forces: one analytical and
philosophical, and another synthetic and poetic. Following this, he argues and anticipates the proposal of a new mythology, as it would later appear in The Oldest Systematic Program of German Idealism, offering an early interpretation of the proposed return of philosophy to poetry and the centrality of myth in romantic and idealist aesthetics.

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