Heroic Role and Technological Anticipation in Chilean Children Cartoon, At The Decline Of The Educator State
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Historieta chilena
anticipación tecnológica
vía chilena al socialismo Chilean Cartoon
Technological Anticipation
Chilean Way to Socialism

How to Cite

Castillo Fadic, G. “Heroic Role and Technological Anticipation in Chilean Children Cartoon, At The Decline Of The Educator State”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 28, Dec. 2016, pp. 167-86, https://revistahumanidades.unab.cl/index.php/revista-de-humanidades/article/view/263.


This article addresses the national imaginary in the context of the historical becoming of Chilean society of the late 60s towards socialism, from images that, associated with the heroes of the children’s comics of the period, involve different forms of futuristic technology utopia that we call “images of technological anticipation”. Such forms are not limited to the militant imaginary or the official project of the Unidad Popular in the field of culture and arts; they make up a diffuse and widespread imaginary transverse to political movements, sometimes even subconscious, that we estimate nevertheless is determined by a particular relationship between socialism as a historical possible construction and the expectations of a technological utopia expressed literally in the purposes of the great children’s comics.

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