American Poetry from an Latin American Perspective. Alberto Girri’s Versions in Cosmopolitismo y disension
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Alberto Girri
Literary Translation
American Poetry
Cosmopolitismo y disensión Alberto Girri
traducción literaria
poesía norteamericana
Cosmopolitismo y disensión

How to Cite

Raggio, M. M. “American Poetry from an Latin American Perspective. Alberto Girri’s Versions in Cosmopolitismo Y Disension”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 27, Dec. 2016, pp. 99-122,


Literary translation in anthologies is a pivotal element in bringing poetry produced in foreign languages to the public’s attention. At the same time, these anthologies may have a deep influence on the literature of the B language, through influence, borrowings, acceptance, rejection and other processes. This article analyzes the former aspect in one of the outstanding anthologies of American poetry translated in Argentina in the 20th century: Cosmopolitismo y disensión, by Alberto Girri. Both his versions and the brief Introduction which opens the volume put forward a special outlook on American poetry of the last century, which would create a way of reading and thinking about American poetry in Argentina and, why not, in the wider Latin American realm.

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