Rousseau and the emptied Presence. The Musical impasse of Mimesis
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metaphysics of presence
aesthetics música
metafísica de la presencia

How to Cite

Durán R., C. “Rousseau and the Emptied Presence. The Musical Impasse of Mimesis”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 22, Dec. 2010, pp. 53-77,


This paper aims to develop a hypothesis concerning the status of music within the plan of systematic demand of Philosophy,
understood as “metaphysics of presence”. To explain this idea, we will discuss the reading by Paul de Man of Jacques Derrida’s idea of the “Age of Rousseau” as an articulated moment of the metaphysics of presence. This will lead us to show that Paul de Man’s concept of a presence emptied of substance and contents is based on discrediting mimesis, which Rousseau’s writing puts forth as indispensible to understand the philosophical status of music.

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