Spinozism and Irony in the crucial Years of early Romanticism
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Spinozismo Aesthetics

How to Cite

Serrano, V. . “Spinozism and Irony in the Crucial Years of Early Romanticism”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 46, July 2022, pp. 153-7, doi:10.53382/issn.2452-445X.607.


This article analyzes the question of irony in the irruption of early Romanticism, in particular in the work of Friedrich Schegel. It interprets the notion of irony from a poetic and not a strictly philosophical approach, according to the reception model of Spinoza’s work, which, philosophically interpreted by post-Kantian systems, gives results quite different from the aesthetic position from which it is received by the Romantics.

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