Divert tradition: appropriation art in the mexican magazine S.NOB
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Artistic and Cultural Magazines
Cinema Revistas artístico-culturales

How to Cite

Alberdi Soto, B. “Divert Tradition: Appropriation Art in the Mexican Magazine S.NOB”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 37, May 2018, pp. 15-37, https://revistahumanidades.unab.cl/index.php/revista-de-humanidades/article/view/134.


The Mexican magazine S.Nob (7 issues, October to November, 1962), directed by Salvador Elizondo, Juan García Ponce and Emilio García Riera, represents a remarkable milestone in the Latin American genealogy of Appropriation Art, based on the recycle of pre-existingimages and texts to divert and dismantle tradition. This article goes in deep in the intermedial dimensions of this project, linked to certain aesthetics such as French Pataphysics. At the same time, the magazine challenges
and redefines the boundaries between writing and visuality, through acts of creation and critique situated in art interstices, such as: the hybridization of materials, the spatialization of writing, and the exploration of the cinema as an artistic and cultural device of modernity.

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