About the relevance of Ludwig Klages‘s Man and Earth for the current ecological debate
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ecological problem
biocentrism Klages
problema ecológico

How to Cite

Aurenque Stephan, D. “About the Relevance of Ludwig Klages‘s Man and Earth for the Current Ecological Debate”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 22, Dec. 2010, pp. 9-34, https://revistahumanidades.unab.cl/index.php/revista-de-humanidades/article/view/334.


An analysis of Ludwig Klages’ Man and Earth (Mensch und Erde) of 1913 readily explains why this thinker has been deemed a visionary of the ecological problem. Through his critique of technique, progress, capitalism, and monotheism as the basis of all of them, Klages radically rejects anthropocentric domination of nature while arguing for biocentrism. In light of current climate change, his critique of the exploitation of nature in pursuit of economic interests comes through with great currency. However, inasmuch Klages’ understanding of nature is not only associated with biocentrism, but also with paganism, the suspicion arises of his thinking hiding a tendency towards nationalism. This article shall expound the relevance, the limits, and the benefits of Klages’ thinking for the current environmental debate.

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