The Wisdom of Aspect: ‘Seeing what is seen in the Light’ as the Way to think the Being and its Being
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Aristóteles Vision

How to Cite

Johnson, F. . “The Wisdom of Aspect: ‘Seeing What Is Seen in the Light’ As the Way to Think the Being and Its Being”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 46, July 2022, pp. 123-51, doi:10.53382/issn.2452-445X.606.


In times when scientific research bases its results on empirical evidence, the validity of a metaphysical reflection seems to be discredited. However, this article shows that the laws of a metaphysical study emerge from a critique of the perception of the senses and its lability. Thus, it discusses the laws and meaning of a metaphysics from Aristotle’s thought, by using a characterization of his thinking as “metaphysics of light”. This discussion reveals the need to perceive the being according to its aspect and the pertinence of an analogy between to see, be seen, light and knowledge, the being and its Being. Thus, in light of the metaphysical idea of “knowing of being in its Being”, the article proposes understanding it in the sense of “seeing what is seen in the light” while taking care to not identify the Being of real being with its sensible appearance.
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