A Thought about crisis and critique: contemporary approaches of dialectic plasticity
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inconsciente Plasticity

How to Cite

Souyris Oportot, L. . “A Thought about Crisis and Critique: Contemporary Approaches of Dialectic Plasticity”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 39, Jan. 2019, pp. 129-63, https://revistahumanidades.unab.cl/index.php/revista-de-humanidades/article/view/109.


This article reflects on the category of plasticity in Catherine Malabou, from the semantic and etymological relationship crisis / criticism. On one hand, it will be analyzed how that articulation allows us to investigate the formation of subjective consciousness, particularly in the figure of the hapless conscience where the skeptical moment is located as well as its examination status, understood by Hegel. On the other hand, taking the reflections on the psychoanalytic thought developed by Malabou, it will be proposed to articulate the notion of plasticity, dialectic and the binary crisis / critical to think of the contemporary subjective form. In summary, the work of Catherine Malabou is analyzed in the light of a way of thinking a critical way but, not only from the tearing of the skeptical moment of consciousness, but also from the negative work of self destruction to plasticity and how this way of thinking allows to address the symptom of the current crisis.

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