Independence biblical republicanism. The case of the “instrucción” of Antonio Berney (Santiago, 1780-1781)
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Biblical Republicanism
Conspiracy of the three Antonios
Antonio Berney
Republic Republicanismo bíblico
Conspiración de los tres Antonios
Antonio Berney

How to Cite

Cáceres R., J. “Independence Biblical Republicanism. The Case of the ‘instrucción’ of Antonio Berney (Santiago, 1780-1781)”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 36, July 2017, pp. 69-96,


The general theme of this text is the republican interpretation of the Bible, which founded both Anglo-American and Spanish American independence projects. The study focuses on the ‘Instrucción’ written by Antonio Berney in the context of the so called “Conspiracy of the three Antonios” (Santiago, 1780-1781), which pretended to emancipate the Chilean kingdom from the Spanish monarchy and to establish a republic in this territory. It is concluded that the ‘Instrucción’ is one of the first Spanish American texts that turns to the aformentioned exegesis, and that the biblical republicanism would have functioned as a fundament and as a model for the new government to be installed, from where it can be said that the sedition can be understood not just as a political project, but also as a theological political project.

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