How do we read a hypertextual text ? : an exploration about reading digital literature
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Lectura digital
literatura digital
género Reading on Digital
Digital Literature

How to Cite

Gainza, C., and P. Domínguez Jeria. “How Do We Read a Hypertextual Text ? : An Exploration about Reading Digital Literature”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 35, June 2017, pp. 43-74,


The aim of this paper is to identify characteristics of reading in the digital medium. We choose digital literature as a place where we can explore this reading experience, because we consider that its reading can be compared to the practice of reading in other digital spaces. To study this phenomenon, we developed an instrument called reading experience log that was filled out by 45 freshman literature students. The participants portrayed their reading experiences before, during and after reading the hypernovel Pentagonal: incluidos tú y yo by Chilean writer Carlos Labbé. As a result, we identified four key categories to understand this reading practice: hypertextuality, materiality, genre and the role of the reader. This study allowed us to verify the strengths and weaknesses of the instrument and to establish hypotheses about digital reading that can be explored in future research in the area.

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