The Inmigration of Ulysses, between the Flâneur and Writer
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Urban Experience
Adaptation Strategies
Body Migrante
experiencia urbana
estrategias de adaptación

How to Cite

Ternicier, C. “The Inmigration of Ulysses, Between the Flâneur and Writer”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 27, Dec. 2016, pp. 77-97,


This article attempts to demonstrate the legitimacy reached by the migrant when he assumes the privileged position by being both a flâneur and a writer. These concepts will be reviewed and be put under tension by Santiago Gamboa’s novel, Ulysses’s
Syndrome. The subject, located in an indeterminated space full of freedom, reaches a critical distance that will be essential in order to become the voice of all the others who are in a similar position, but not identical to his. Such relationship is possible because of the subject’s urban experience with Paris as a background, teeming space for a gallery of unusual characters whose roots are used to wanderic feet, so they assume themselves as permanent migrants. On the other hand, the protagonist will adopt a series of adaptive strategies to survive in the city. These maneuvers are structured by the way he tells itself and by he various stories surrounding him. The body and the lyrics are, in Deleuzian terms, the edge through which the contact between the subject and his external reality is established.

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