The strange here and now of our answers. A phenomenological examination of the body, based on B. Waldenfels
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phenomenon respuesta

How to Cite

Díez Fischer, F. “The Strange Here and Now of Our Answers. A Phenomenological Examination of the Body, Based on B. Waldenfels”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 22, Dec. 2010, pp. 35-51,


In the context of Waldenfels’ phenomenological research about the logos of the practical world, he constantly refers to the theories of language to suggest that acting as well as talking can be characterized “as a response to claims that come from elsewhere”. The responsiveness of the action and of human language is identified as an ability to answer “to” and answer “of ” what is being addresses. This double dimension—responsiveness and responsibility—may be subject of education. Both are contained in our original answering, the ultimate horizon of which is the transcendence where the person is shown as a being capable of listening.

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