Being and Time and the Aesthetics of Existence’s Imperative: the Dasein as a Work of Art
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aesthetics of existence
ontology of human life
inauthenticity Dasein
estética de la existencia
ontología vida humana

How to Cite

Escudero, J. A. “Being and Time and the Aesthetics of Existence’s Imperative: The Dasein As a Work of Art”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 21, Dec. 2010, pp. 9-29,


Nowadays, Being and Time is still a magic title, open to many and different interpretations. In this paper we attempt an ethic and aesthetic approach to this major work. In this sense, it is possible to affirm that the Heideggerian analysis of human existence, which takes place in Being and Time and the previous lectures of Freiburg and Marburg, is an analysis that departing from the initial fallness of human existence goes against this tendency in order to orientate the Dasein towards a successful form. From this point of view we can consider human life as a work of art to which Being and Time tries to give a beautiful form.

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