The medium disappears as a finite entity: intermedial consideration about the visual nucleus of ‘absents cities’
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The Absent City
Visual nucleus
Graphic novel
Piglia/Scafati/De Santis La ciudad ausente
núcleo visual
novela gráfica
Piglia/Scafati/De Santis

How to Cite

Irribarren Ortiz, J. “The Medium Disappears As a Finite Entity: Intermedial Consideration about the Visual Nucleus of ‘absents cities’”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 37, May 2018, pp. 83-102,


Potential visual nucleus of Ricardo Piglia’s The Absent City (1992) is ostensible on the homonym graphic expansion from Luis Scafati and Pablo de Santis (2000). There is a complex intermedial transposition on this, which overcome the simple action of draw narrative facts (Baetens), when is presented as an aesthetic proposal of imagetext (Mitchell). As well, this manifests a particular experience around the forms that, on a material level, rectifies the iconic character from their own referent. On a reflexive level, both objects problematize the symbiotic implication of the dialectic between mental-image and object-image (Stiegler); also, the “absence” reinforces the mutability and virtuality which are described by its fragmentary images, and whose correlated with is represented in the “Macedonio’s Machine”.

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