The romantic irony: between romanticism and deconstruction
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Romanticism Ironía

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Garnica, N. “The Romantic Irony: Between Romanticism and Deconstruction”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 37, May 2018, pp. 189-20,


Relations between romanticism and deconstruction have been marked on numerous occasions by various theorists of
literature and philosophy. While there are points of contact between both perspectives, the use of Romanticism as a necessary antecedent of deconstruction can lead to reductions and equivocations. Therefore, this essay reconstructs a field where such assumptions relation becomes problematic. The reconstruction is based on the concept of irony. Our analysis will focus on: the romantic aesthetics of Friedrich Schlegel, the concept of deconstruction of Jacques Derrida and conceptualizations about the irony of Paul De Man. In these three authors could encrypt relations and tensions between romanticism and deconstruction.

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