Globalization, Anachronism and Discrepant Discourse in Marcelo Mellado
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Marcelo Mellado
Materialidades Marcelo Mellado

How to Cite

Keizman, B. “Globalization, Anachronism and Discrepant Discourse in Marcelo Mellado”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 42, July 2020, pp. 287-04,


I suggest consider Marcelo Mellado’s work, typically some novels from his book Armas arrojadizas, as a part of a recent fictions set that are focused on transurban margins, reflecting debris and anachronism as capital parts of a dystopia of the present. The narrative of the Chilean author queries the  consequences of a writing designed as a work with debris: urban space’s material rubbish, but also projects and subjectivities rubbish, as well as discursive residues of the political language as well as the bureaucratic report styles. Typically, the devastation that Mellado registers is material and ethic, but also  imaginative and discursive. On this way, the novels insist in an incompetent and devitalized language which sense briefly revives in the rage and the satiric orphanhood. In summary, Mellado’s novels redesign the experience of the public spheres degradation as well as the (im) possibility of the art in the course of the political rivalry.

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