Sprachlosigkeit. Goldschmidt y and the Freudian Language
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Cattaneo, G. ., and N. . Bornhauser. “Sprachlosigkeit. Goldschmidt Y and the Freudian Language”. Revista De Humanidades (Santiago. En línea), no. 40, July 2019, pp. 119-50, https://revistahumanidades.unab.cl/index.php/revista-de-humanidades/article/view/89.


The work of Georges-Arthur Goldschmidt contains a careful reflection on the relationship between the German language and Freudian psychoanalysis. His main hypothesis is that, one the one hand, the particularities of the German language are the condition of possibility of the discovery of the unconscious, and, on the other, the unconscious reveals how it is that languages even exist. The Freudian enterprise would not have consisted, then, in anything other than making the language speak and listening to its saying, where it is interrupted and absent from itself. This conjecture, which outlines a Freudian use of the language, is presented and discussed in this article, asking for its performance and its limits with respect to other developments that have taken charge of the complex relationship between languages, language and psychoanalysis, being fundamental the particular way to receive the Freudian “concepts”, promoted by Jacques Lacan’s “return to Freud”.

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